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Tuesday 10 October 2023

I found some Wasp Spider egg sacs!

Hola from Spain!

We are at the beginning of a three week trip to Extremadura and Andalusia, mixing birding with Moorish architecture and Roman ruins and anything else we find of interest. So I will probably be rather quiet where posts are concerned. 

In the meantime, as I don’t have hundreds of photos to go through as we are just en route at the moment, I thought I’d do a quick post from my iPad showing you the egg sacs I found. I had been hoping to find some, but I hadn’t looked up what they look like, which helps. I was amazed - they are a real work of art. A Greek urn, is how I’ve seen them described. And they are big! I think the description of hen egg size might be a bit misleading but they are certainly a good 2cm - 2.5cms.

It took a while to find one, but after the first I found three more. They make them close to where their webs are. Not necessarily on vegetation either, as my friend Andrea in Germany also had a Wasp Spider in her garden. However when she finally found the egg sac, it was actually attached to the wall behind the shrub where the web had been. And - biggest surprise of all - there were two egg sacs! Now I hadn’t read that they can make two egg sacs, but I did then wonder about my ‘big girl’, who had disappeared for a few days earlier on, then came back with a fresh web looking a bit slimmer. And then it happened again. So after she was gone for good, I had another look through the Valerian, and sure enough, there was a second egg sac!

I will be having a good look through the ditch when we get home, as sadly all the spiders had gone by early October. I miss them!


  1. Those egg sacs are just amazing!!!! Have a good holiday exploring Spain.

    1. Thanks Caroline! I'm home now and sorry about delay replying but this last week has been busy. Had a great holiday and I'll blog about it eventually.

  2. Enjoy your holiday.

  3. SO incredibly cool!!! I love spiders :-)
    And your holiday sounds wonderful! (Marianne in AZ)

    1. Thanks Marianne! Had a good time and I am finally sitting down to download my photos to my desktop!
      M xx

  4. Your egg sacs are neater that our rain spider ones - which are festooned with twiggy bits and dead leaves as camouflage.

    1. Thanks Diana. Yours sound really interesting. I have seen many egg sacs but these Wasp spider ones are the most interesting so far!
      M xx
